并查集是一个用于解决 disjoint sets 类问题的常用数据结构,用于处理集合中
元素的归属 find
集合的融合 union
Online algorithm, stream of input
计算 number of connected components
不支持 delete
CSDN 有一个非常好的总结帖子
我做并查集问题的时候,最喜欢的方式是直接无脑撸一个 weighted union find class 出来,然后在具体问题上直接调用接口。。
以下是 Princeton 的 Algorithm 算法课上的样例代码,这老头可真喜欢用 array 啊。。。他的并查集和KMP算法构建方式都稍微有点麻烦。
public class WeightedQuickUnionPathCompressionUF {
private int[] parent; // parent[i] = parent of i
private int[] size; // size[i] = number of sites in tree rooted at i
// Note: not necessarily correct if i is not a root node
private int count; // number of components
public WeightedQuickUnionPathCompressionUF(int N) {
count = N;
parent = new int[N];
size = new int[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
parent[i] = i;
size[i] = 1;
* @return the number of components
public int count() {
return count;
* @return the component identifier for the component containing site, 有点问题
public int find(int p) {
int root = p;
while (root != parent[root])
root = parent[root];
while (p != root) {
int newp = parent[p];
parent[p] = root;
p = newp;
return root;
public int find(int i) {
for (;i != parent[i]; i = parent[i])
parent[i] = parent[parent[i]]; //path compression
return i;
* @return true if the two sites p and qare in the same component;
* false otherwise
public boolean connected(int p, int q) {
return find(p) == find(q);
* Merges the component containing site p with the
* the component containing site q.
* @param p the integer representing one site
* @param q the integer representing the other site
public void union(int p, int q) {
int rootP = find(p);
int rootQ = find(q);
if (rootP == rootQ) return;
// make smaller root point to larger one
if (size[rootP] < size[rootQ]) {
parent[rootP] = rootQ;
size[rootQ] += size[rootP];
else {
parent[rootQ] = rootP;
size[rootP] += size[rootQ];
Longest Consecutive Sequence
其实我们建的是对于每一个元素的 1-1 mapping,或者说是一个 元素之间的 graph,表示 join 关系。
中间有一个 [2147483646,-2147483647,0,2,2147483644,-2147483645,2147483645] 的 test case 始终出 bug,把 find 函数的返回 type 从 int 改到 Integer 就好了。
看来以后不能总是假设 int 和 Integer 是完全相等的,尤其是这种在 hashmap 里以 Integer 为 Key 的情况,要尽可能的保持类型正确。
union的时候if(rootp == rootq) return; size.put(rootp, sizep+sizeq)会让size翻倍
public class Solution {
class WeightedUnionFind{
HashMap<Integer, Integer> parent = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
HashMap<Integer, Integer> size = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
int maxSize = 1;
public WeightedUnionFind(int[] nums){
int n = nums.length;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
parent.put(nums[i], nums[i]);
public Integer root(Integer i){
if(!parent.containsKey(i)) return null;
return i;
public void union(int p, int q){
Integer rootp = root(p);
Integer rootq = root(q);
if(rootp==null || rootq==null) return;
if(rootp == rootq) return;
int sizep = size.get(rootp);
int sizeq = size.get(rootq);
parent.put(rootp, rootq);
size.put(rootq, sizep+sizeq);
parent.put(rootq, rootp);
size.put(rootp, sizep+sizeq);
maxSize = Math.max(maxSize, sizep + sizeq);
System.out.println(maxSize+ " " + sizep+" "+sizeq);
public int longestConsecutive(int[] nums) {
if(nums == null || nums.length == 0) return 0;
WeightedUnionFind uf = new WeightedUnionFind(nums);
for(int num : nums){
uf.union(num, num-1);
uf.union(num, num+1);
return uf.maxSize;
这道题更简单的是用HashMap maintain, 朝两边扫
public class Solution {
public int longestConsecutive(int[] nums) {
int ans = 0;
HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
for(int num:nums){
int left = map.getOrDefault(num-1, 0);
int right = map.getOrDefault(num+1, 0);
int sum = left+right+1;
map.put(num, sum);
ans = Math.max(ans, sum);
map.put(num-left, sum);
map.put(num+right, sum);
else continue;
return ans;
Number of Islands II
常犯错误:二维转一维 index 的时候总乘错,搞混。正确的是 x * cols + y,以后自己想的时候还是用 rows / cols 吧
在这题里降维成一维 index 是可以的,不过要注意边界处理,否则某一行的最后一个元素会连通到下一行的第一个元素上去。
注意用if而不是else if, 可以同时和四个方向union
public class Solution {
private class WeightedUnionFind{
HashMap<Integer, Integer> parent;
HashMap<Integer, Integer> size;
int count;
public WeightedUnionFind(){
parent = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
size = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
count = 0;
public Integer find(Integer index){
if(!parent.containsKey(index)) return null;
Integer root = index;
while(root != parent.get(root)){
root = parent.get(root);
while(index != root){
Integer next = parent.get(index);
parent.put(index, root);
index = next;
return root;
public void union(Integer a, Integer b){
Integer aRoot = find(a);
Integer bRoot = find(b);
if(aRoot == null || bRoot == null) return;
if(aRoot.equals(bRoot)) return;
int aSize = size.get(aRoot);
int bSize = size.get(bRoot);
if(aSize > bSize){
parent.put(bRoot, aRoot);
size.put(aRoot, aSize + bSize);
} else {
parent.put(aRoot, bRoot);
size.put(bRoot, aSize + bSize);
count --;
public void add(Integer index){
parent.put(index, index);
size.put(index, 1);
count ++;
public int getCount(){
return this.count;
public List<Integer> numIslands2(int m, int n, int[][] positions) {
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if(positions == null || positions.length == 0) return list;
WeightedUnionFind uf = new WeightedUnionFind();
for(int i = 0; i < positions.length; i++){
int x = positions[i][0];
int y = positions[i][1];
int index = x * n + y;
if(x + 1 <= m - 1) uf.union(index, (x + 1) * n + y);
if(x > 0) uf.union(index, (x - 1) * n + y);
if(y + 1 <= n - 1) uf.union(index, x * n + y + 1);
if(y > 0) uf.union(index, x * n + y - 1);
return list;
Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph
这题如果是把所有的 nodes 给你,其实很好做,每个点做 dfs 就好了,用 hashset 避免重复访问,毕竟是 undirected graph.
然而这题比较 gay 的地方在于。。。数据是以一个个 edge 的方式给你的,强行让你以一个 union-find 的方式一个一个节点添加,那么显然读取所有 edges 建图再去 dfs 就是很不现实的做法,而且也失去了 online algorithm 的优势。
对于 Integer type,要用 a.equals(b),不要用 ==
public class Solution {
class UnionFind{
HashMap<Integer, Integer> parent;
HashMap<Integer, Integer> size;
int count;
public UnionFind(int n){
parent = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
size = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
count = n;
public Integer root(int i){
if(!parent.containsKey(i)) return null;
i = parent.get(i);
return i;
public void union(int p, int q){
Integer rootp = root(p);
Integer rootq = root(q);
if(rootp==null||rootq==null) return;
if(rootp.equals(rootq)) return;
int sizep = size.get(p);
int sizeq = size.get(q);
parent.put(rootp, rootq);
size.put(rootq, sizep+sizeq);
parent.put(rootq, rootp);
size.put(rootq, sizep+sizeq);
public int countComponents(int n, int[][] edges) {
if(edges == null || edges.length == 0) return n;
UnionFind uf = new UnionFind(n);
for(int[] edge:edges){
uf.union(edge[0], edge[1]);
return uf.count;
方法二是根据边建立图, 对单源点DFS floodfill
public class Solution {
public int countComponents(int n, int[][] edges) {
boolean[] vis = new boolean[n];
HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> map = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>();
for(int[] edge: edges){
map.put(edge[0], new ArrayList<Integer>());
map.put(edge[1], new ArrayList<Integer>());
int count = 0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
dfs(map, vis, i);
return count;
public void dfs(HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> map, boolean[] vis, int cur){
if(vis[cur] || !map.containsKey(cur)) return;
vis[cur] =true;
for(int neighbor: map.get(cur))
dfs(map, vis, neighbor);